Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Snow

There are very few things that irritate me about being a single mom. Aside from the obvious : Taking out the trash in two feet of snow...or taking out the trash period. My dumpster for my complex is around the other side of the building and there is no shortcut. Clearing two feet of snow off of my car. Well, really that wouldn't be so irritating if it hadn't been for the inch of ice that was also on my car. Oh, and then clearing off the sidewalk...which I am sure was the apartment managers responsibility but they couldn't make it to work either. I moved snow with a spatula :) I am the queen of spatula snow removal. But that really sums up the week I've had.

Now my major stress is finishing typing out what kind of visitation schedule I would like Tate's dad to agree to. He has still made no effort to see her or call her since before Thanksgiving. Boo's dad is still taking her regularly so I think I will try to make it so the girls are both gone for visitation at the same times. I just get so worried. I want it to be fair and I sometimes pretend like he gives a crap about his daughter, but in reality, what kind of father doesn't even call on Christmas?

So I am faced with sleepless nights trying to help Tate deal with what her father keeps doing. I am considering doing something like...if he doesn't show up for two visitations in a row then he forfeits his visitation period end of story. That way it is his choice. At first, I just wanted him gone from her life if he was going to treat her this way but then I realized that if I am the one making the choice she will probably hate me for it later. This way I can say "Well, you can ask your father why he stopped coming" ...of course, he will probably blame it on me but she will probably be old enough by then to see through those things. At least, I hope so.

Boo is going through the MINE phase. I have these moments as a mother when they do the most outrageous things and I feel like laughing. Like Boo and her MINE. It's just sooo cute when she scrunches up her little face and says it. But I have to teach her to share and all of that so my face is constantly carrying an expression between laughing and frowning.

I'll post more later...but right now I have to take out the TRASH :)

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