Sunday, January 4, 2009

Real Life..Little Coughs

One of the most difficult things about being a parent is knowing when to call the doctor. Seriously, it is the one question that always boggles my mind. If I call constantly then will the doctor think I am some neurotic mother who doesn't know a little cough from a big problem? Or what if I don't call and it really is a big problem? I usually err on the side of caution.

Tate has this cough that she has had for about 3 days...nothing serious like a fever or anything with it. But today the cough is watery. And not great to listen to as well. And why did they take all of those medications off the market? I was never clear on why things that helped me when I was a young child will not help my daugher. But I am sure that someone else knows best.

I am tired and a little bitter from trying to help Tate feel better and not accomplishing much at all. Irritating.


  1. It is a tough choice to make. But it seems like every time I call the doctor, I get their stock answer "Well, it could be good or bad. Better bring him in to check." It's very frustrating, but I also hate feeling like I'm neglecting my son.
    I hope that Tate's cough gets better soon!

  2. Yes!! They don't want to miss something I get them all loaded up and turns out just a cold...grrr. Ah, such is life :)
