Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Laundry Night

Yes it is that glorious night every week when I start doing the laundry. Actually I just pretend that Wednesday is the start reality I finish up on Tuesday. So it is actually a mad cycle...but every project has to have a start day. The thing about doing laundry is that it gives me too much time to think. It is one of those mindless tasks that I have been doing for so long that everything is on autopilot at this point. So I sit and think and ponder ...

I made it three whole days saying no to Jeff. It must be like breaking an addiction. I have to slowly wean myself off of the man or the results might be tragic (you know, shakes and convulsions, not pretty). One question, why does the sex have to be so good? Why can't he at least be bad in bed...Sigh

My daughters are the funniest little people ever. Today was hysterical. I work second shift ( or more like 12-8 ish) so we have some time in the morning to goof off and get ready slowly for the day...which is a good thing considering how much coffee I must consume to be human.

This morning my two little angels disappear into their room first off. I hear them giggling and chatting so I figure I am in for some sort of surprise. Next thing I know two little naked bodies come flying down the hallway. COMPLETELY naked. And Boo is NOT potty trained yet. Guess where the story goes now??? As Boo is running she must have caught a draft because she just pees all over the place...and thus my morning goes from slow to "oh crap" ...

So we get that cleaned up and Tate is still naked, of course. Because as she put it "Well, we aren't outside yet mommy" ...ok, I conceded that battle to the three year old. And then, as I am taking my amazingly fast two minute super mommy power wash in the shower...I hear more giggles. OH GREAT.

Yep...Tate had managed to find the ONE marker in the entire house that was not above a five foot level...and draw happy faces all over herself and Boo.

Do you ever just have one of those days where you feel like the kids have won...Lock up and move out now...They win.

Boo walked into the sitters and starts stripping her clothes off to show Miss Betty all of her pretty "HAHA'S" and Tate says, "Mommy said oh crap Miss Betty"
"When did she say that, Tate" asks miss Betty...
"Well right after Boo got naked and peed all over the hall" says Tate...
"And how did Boo get naked, Tate" Miss Betty...
"Well, I did it cause Boo's still a baby but I can take off her clothes and her diaper and put everything back on too...cause I'm a big girl"

Ok, so Tate thinks she is a big girl as in, "I am old enough to be a mom" kinda big girl. So we but heads a lot that girl and me.

But I've never seen such cute happy faces on anything :)


  1. Aw, what cuties.

    As for Jeff - yep, an addiction. Listen to Kelly Clarckson's "Addicted". I totally get it and so does her song...

  2. thanks for my laugh of the day.

    there was one time, my daughter, she was maybe around two, came downstairs. she had found some lipstick in my purse and applied it, none too carefully, if you consider that it went from her forehead to her chin. i could barely keep a straight enough face for her to get the idea that i did not approve. the irony is, i almost never wear make-up.

    then, there was the time another of my daughters, when she was around two, well, she loved to colour, and she got a hold of an orange marker, and drew all over herself from head to toe. now, when they say "washable," what the really mean is "not washable." so, normally i could have stayed home, but for some reason i just had to be at walmart that day. imperative. so, i got all kinds of looks. i said, her father is a pumpkin!

    seems i have a crew of avante garde artists. so, this one, she loved to draw. on everything but paper. so, i'd find works of art on pillow cases and furniture. and no amount of scolding did any good. so, one time i found a new artwork, in marker, on the wall. i started to reprimand her, she says, "it wasn't me!" i said, you know, if it's anonymity you're after, you might reconsider signing your name at the bottom! she was just old enough to scrawl her name. and, as far as i'm concerned, that would make her old enough to know better.

    i had one who had a habit of parking her finger in her belly button all day and all night long. one of her teachers at daycare once asked me, "do you think she did that in utero?" i considered it for a while, until some person more clever than the both of us reminded us, she didn't actually have a belly button in utero. ha.

    and then, i have one who loves going naked, always did. she would only put clothes on to go out of the house. thank God for that. and she still does, but she'll at least wear underwear. and her sisters get on her case, you can't walk around the house naked! i won't tell you how old she is. old enough to know better. so i tell her, also, you know, you really should put some clothes on. so, the other day, i was getting them going for school. and she's not getting dressed. i say, why not? she says, she can't get dressed under the covers, because her sister is sitting on the bed. i say, why do you have to get dressed under the blanket? she says, i don't want my sister to see me. huh? but, you're happy to skip around the house in your altogether?

    anyway, you gave me a laugh, reminded me of my funny stories. you sound like you have enough of a sense of humour to weather the excitement that kids inevitably bring. they sound adorable, and they'll give you so much joy throughout your lives, more and more. enjoy the little aggravations. they only get bigger. i hated when people told me that, but, it's true. but, still, so worth it. kids are great.


    around here, every day is laundry day!

    and good luck with your addiction. are there JA meetings in your neighbourhood?

  3. JA meetings I LOVE it :) Maybe I should ask around, eh? Well, course you gotta get to step 1 or is it two that says you have to want to break the addiction. HA.

    I am looking up that song...

  4. i think step one is admitting you have an addiction. so, i think you are well on your way. onward and upward!

  5. Savor each and every funny, messy, sweet, heart touching moment with your little kiddos for they will soon not be so little.
